$1000 Stimulus Checks Being Sent To Select Americans

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

A special stimulus check amounting to a maximum of $1000 is being paid to essential workers and teachers in particular states. The extra sum of money is being thought of as a gesture of gratitude for the people who have been giving service through the entire pandemic. It also aims to discourage the resignation of the staff in a few instances.

What Are The States Where This Stimulus Check Is Happening?

In a report by The WSJ, Georgia lawmakers gave their approval to the stimulus checks worth $1000. It should be sent to almost every staff member and teacher in the state. Staff in the canteen and bus drivers are also included in the list of people who will be receiving the special stimulus checks. Reports estimate that the stimulus checks will be costing the state somewhere around $200Mn.

In California’s Berkley, teachers will be given a 3.5% bonus before the next school year starts. This will be costing the state an estimated $2.8Mn. However, some of the parents were seemingly skeptical regarding whether the teachers deserve the extra cash boost.

Lindsay Nofelt, a mother in Berkeley, said that the cash for the stimulus checks could have been put to better use. One avenue of help was boosting the levels of attainment in science and maths. In an interview with The WSJ, she said that she would usually be fully supportive of paying teachers extra. However, she thinks the fund should be taken from a fitting bond.

In Florida, over 170,000 teachers are eagerly waiting for a stimulus check worth $1000 to arrive in the mailbox in the next few weeks. The payments are scheduled to be sent later on in the summer. It is a part of the budget worth $101.5Bn approved by Governor DeSantis in July.