12 Million Americans Will Face Unemployment If Congress Doesn’t Provide Jobless Aid

Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment Benefits

Jocelyn Fox, a single mother who is facing unemployment this holiday season is struggling to meet her household demands. She seems extremely worried and anxious about what lies ahead as she is currently home tutoring two children and the jobless aid is about to expire very soon.

She has emphasized her unemployment and said this entire situation is a complete mess and very scary. However, she tells her children that owing to her jobless aid they can get their necessities and should be grateful for it.

Fox is a resident of Michigan and was laid off from an inventory stocker job in March and has been unable to find another job since. Additionally, her benefits from jobless aid are soon to end within December and she is at a loss of what to do next to keep body and soul together.


Also, her children are currently having full-time online classes which are making her work more difficult as she has to do her daily chores as well as take care of them.

She further added that if her jobless aid terminates and she remains in a state of unemployment, she has no idea what step to take.

Millions of unemployed Americans will stop receiving jobless aid after Christmas if Congress is unable to extend the relief funding as long as this low economic condition of the country is stabilized. Unfortunately, the number of new coronavirus cases is hitting new highs and the country seems to continually face fiscal issues in all sectors.

Jobless Aid for Americans Under Unemployment

Almost 12 million employees may lose their unemployment aid offered by the CARES Act as recent as 26th December. Another 7.3 million might lose Pandemic Unemployment Assistance whereas, 4.6 million may lose the compensation aid.

Although the President-elect, Joe Biden has assured the citizens of the US that he will provide support to the people during this ongoing and worsening pandemic situation, things are held up for way too long, The negotiations over the COVID-19 stimulus check is in a state of deadlock. Nonetheless, the Democrats and Republicans are engaged in a discussion to agree to the proposal of the stimulus package.

All the while, unemployment cases seem to be exponentially increasing and there is a huge racial disparity in the process of lay-offs. Latino and Black Americans consist of a larger number of unemployed Americans and are suffering the most in this situation.

Stimulus checks might reach the citizens soon but most people would prefer to get employment rather than temporary benefits from the government.