13 States Continue To Send Stimulus Checks Worth $1,000 Max: Here Are The Details

Stimulus Check Disability Benefit
Stimulus Check

More than a dozen states are sending out stimulus checks to their residents with some checks as the inflation shows no chance of falling. Prices of essential commodities and gasoline remain at record highs. Several states are using their surplus budged and leftover federal pandemic relief funds to help out residents during these difficult times.

The support has differed in form and amount in each state and has come in the form of tax rebates in some. For residents of Georgia, the stimulus check comes in the form of a one-off rebate on their tax filings. While single filers will get a $250 rebate, it will be double that for married couples filing jointly. For the head of household, the rebate will be $375.

Each State Has Its Own Criteria For Stimulus Check For Its Residents

Idaho has allocated $350M in tax rebates for its residents. People who are full-time residents and have filed their IT returns for the past two years (2020-21). Residents should also have filed their returns for a grocery credit refund. The rebate comes to around 12% of the 2020 state tax returns.

Indiana has a built-in system that was passed almost a decade ago that automatically sends back excess funds in reserve to residents when the reserve funds rise to specific levels. 50% of the surplus funds to taxpayers and the other 50% is for bringing down the state debt levels. Residents will get a one-off relief worth $125 in the middle of the year.

New Jersey mailed tax rebates for the middle-class last summer. Residents filing their 2020 tax returns and claiming one dependent at least received a payment that would be a maximum stimulus check of $500.

Residents of New Mexico will get a stimulus check of $250 as a rebate on income tax if their earnings are below $75,000.

85,000 residents of Maine will get $850 in June if their earnings are $100,000 and below, while California’s residents could get $400 for every registered vehicle that they own. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced a $2.2B property tax rebate for around 2.5M homeowners.