How to Improve Lead Generation With These 6 SaaS Marketing Strategies

How to Improve Lead Generation
How to Improve Lead Generation

Once you set up your online business, especially one that relies on a SaaS business model, you’ll find that the biggest, continuous priority is generating more leads.  

If you’re not the only business offering this kind of service, chances are, you’ll be fighting a lot of competition to make them choose you instead of another option. 

We’re here to discuss some of the most common and effective lead generation marketing strategies that SaaS businesses use to reach their audience. 

Email Marketing 

We have to start with the old classic. Regardless of which niche you are targeting and what kind of online or offline business you’re running, this approach is essential.  

At the core of every person’s online presence stand their personal and business email address. They usually access it daily, and that will become even more consistently true as the new generations get older.  

Now, email marketing is a big subject. We could talk for hours focusing only on creating a good email marketing list, let alone optimizing emails you send out to potential leads and automation. There are many more nuances that this marketing approach brings to the table.  

Since you’re going to be starting from scratch and doing a lot of independent research, we might say this, start small, build up and understand what you are doing.  

Understand when you are reaching out to leads and what offers you are putting in front of them. If your email strategy turns out to be nothing more but noise, then your conversion won’t be great.  


If we’re talking about great ways to engage and generate leads, we have to talk about online quiz makers. They are an interactive form of content that has many upsides when it comes to lead generation. 

First of all, it’s a great tool to gather information about your leads. A well-designed quiz builder can help you get insight into the motivation of your leads and help you put a face on them.  

It allows you to perform lead segmentation and get direct input from leads because you can leave fields open for custom input if none of the provided answers fit.  

Another upside is that interactive content like quizzes is very attractive to users. With a bit of creativity, you can turn your lead generation tactic into something fun for the users.  

When people are having fun, they are far more likely to engage with brands.  

Unlike dry surveys, putting an exciting twist on your quiz can make the whole process more engaging for your audience, and you can use a quiz creator.  

Finally, a well-designed quiz will prompt the lead with a CTA offer that can convert them directly into your sales funnel.  

A well-designed quiz will prompt them with an offer based on their results, making the chances of conversion even greater.  

CRM software 

I know that most small businesses believe that they are not yet at a level where they need Customer relationship management (CRM) software but trust us, the sooner you start using one, the better.  

We all know what CRMs do – they give us insight into lead analytics, the complete history of engagement, purchases, the funnels they took to conversion, etc.  

We want to tell you why it’s important to have one from the get-go. 

For one, CRMs are robust software solutions. The best time to get yourself and your team used to one is when you are just starting out.  

There are not many leads out there, the information isn’t pouring through like crazy, and you can slowly build up a system for filling the software with data that you can use to generate future leads.  

This way, when your lead generation strategy gets complicated and disparate, you’ll always have your CRM to turn to for the right information.  

Paid ads 

Now, the easiest and most straightforward way to reach and generate leads is through paid ads.  

Naturally, you’ll need a bit of cash to invest in this type of advertisement, but Google, Facebook, and other platforms offer really deep targeting options helping you reach the right people.  

This approach has a learning curve to it – don’t just rush in expecting you’ll manage to cover your advertising expenses through immediate results.  

Start small, build up some experience, and see how much you are converting. Furthermore, not all platforms will be frequented by the particular type of customers you’re seeking out, so there’s an adaptation period here.   

Also, paid ads can bring your posts to your potential leads – they don’t make them convert automatically.  

That’s what your copy and content are for, so expecting immediate success with a mediocre offer going through paid ads is going to result in losses.  


In the online environment, people expect things to happen here and now. There are no closing hours, delays in delivery, waiting periods on customer support – they want it now.  

That’s especially true for SaaS companies as their services need to be available 24/7 without exception. Automation lets you stay on top of things.  

Whether it’s sending out emails, prompting the lead with a generic response about timelines when there’s no one to engage them, answering FAQs – automation makes things a lot easier.  

Automation helps resolve issues when there’s no one to resolve them and makes your organization’s capabilities much greater without having massive manpower at your disposal.  


Let’s start by explaining what remarketing is. When somebody lands on your website, shop, email offers, etc. but they don’t convert, you target them with an ad again.  

That’s the core of remarketing. 

Why does it work so well? Well, people don’t always leave your shop without buying anything because they are disinterested in what you have to offer.  

Sometimes they are interrupted, sometimes they forget to finish their purchase – there can be many different reasons for abandoned carts.  

Still, they showed interest in what you have, and giving them a specialized offer has a better chance of converting them than prompting a lead cold turkey.  

We hope that these six approaches can help you build up your lead generation and help you boost your bottom line.  

With lead generation, it’s all about planning and having the right tools to execute. Good luck!