Getting A 4th Stimulus Check From State Funds: Much Depends On The State Where You Reside

stimulus check
stimulus check

Even though the federal administration has put a 4th stimulus check on hold at the moment, states have pitched in with their version of the stimulus relief. The funds for these special checks for specific groups are being partially funded through federal funds.

From Arizona to Texas, states have come up with innovative checks for their residents. The relief from the state stimulus checks depends on the profession or ethnic group.

California remains the sole state that paid out of its surplus funds to send stimulus checks to its residents. Called the Golden State Stimulus, the fund is being paid from the budget surplus of the states. Eligible residents will get between $600 and $1100 depending on the presence of children in the family. The upper limit of earnings to be eligible has been set at $75,000.

Stimulus Checks For Specific Groups

New York has sanctioned a $2.1B fund for its undocumented workforce. These workers were not able to claim a stimulus check under the federal scheme. To qualify, residents must have earned below $26,208 in 2020.

The City Artist Corps has supported New York local artists through a single stimulus check that will be disbursed in October.

Florida and Georgia have set aside funds for education administrators and teachers. They will receive a $1,000 stimulus check while part-time teachers in Georgia will receive $500.

Arizona has sanctioned $1,000 to workers who rejoin the workforce under its Back to Work scheme. Connecticut has a similar scheme for people who return to the workforce after 8 weeks of redundancy.

Several states have yet to start any form of checks on their own. Mississippi is one such state. It was also the first state to halt unemployment benefits that left many residents to fend for themselves.