4th Stimulus Check Petition Gaining Supporters Every Day!

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Over the last month, a petition calling for the monthly 4th stimulus check collected around 175,000 supporters. The delta variant of Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc across the United States. The petition for the 4th stimulus check is gaining supporters because the Coronavirus cases are once again on the rise across the United States. Many states are feeling overwhelmed with the current development regarding the pandemic. The petition is calling for $2000 stimulus checks. 

Several Lawmakers And Economists Are Also Rooting For The 4th Stimulus Check!

The petition, on the website called Change.org, was first launched by Stephanie Bonin, a restaurant owner in Denver last year. She is constantly urging the US House and the Senate to pass the 4th stimulus check of $2,000. Her demand is a $1,000 monthly check for kids and a $2,000 monthly check for adults. She is also urging the US House and the Senate to continue with regular stimulus checks till the pandemic is finally over. Till Saturday, the petition calling for the 4th check had managed to draw more than 2,795,300 signatures. 

In the last month, the petition, Change.org, has managed to draw more than 175k new signatures. If this particular petition reaches the landmark of three million signatures, it will become the most supported and signed petition in the history of the website. According to most experts.

This petition calling for the 4th check will hit the landmark by early September or late August. Over 150 economists, including Economic Adviser Council’s former chair, Jason Furman. 21 senators and 50 House members are pushing for the 4th stimulus check. However, the administration of US President Joe Biden has hinted that direct aid is not the main priority right now.