4th Stimulus Check Petition For Monthly $2000 Gets 1 Million Signatures Till 2021

stimulus check
stimulus check

Recently, a petition demanding a monthly payment worth $2000 is doing the rounds. Although it has fallen on deaf ears so far, it managed to garner over 1 million signatures by 2021. 

The petition was started in 2020 March by Stephanie Bonin who owns a restaurant in Denver. She was forced to start it because her business was badly affected by the COVID lockdown. As the lockdown was extended, her petition gained tremendous support urging Congress to extend stimulus check relief payments. 

Raging Support For Stimulus Check Petition 

Bonin’s petition demanded a $1000 payment for children and $2000 for adults every month. She stressed that this support must go on till the citizens find their strength again. The petition gained traction throughout the COVID situation and Congress noticed it after 9 months that encouraged them to provide 2nd stimulus check. 

Till 2021, this petition successfully managed to receive almost 3 million signatures but fell short of its goal. 

Adam Ruben, Economic Security Project Director, earlier informed Newsweek that the Finance Committee of the Senate and the White House will discuss automatic stabilizers in May. This discussion will talk about unemployment issues and relief packages. 

Automatic stabilizer benefits are not related to any party policy or congressional negotiations. Legislators can independently decide the time of sending the checks. 

Once Bonin realized the impossibility of a 4 check, she stressed on Child Tax Credit that is successful as people will receive it soon. She is grateful that people came together and made it a success that will help several families to survive. 

Even though the fourth stimulus package may not be provided anytime soon, Bonin’s petition for it continues to receive an increasing number of signatures. This suggests people are in dire need of it.