Kyrsten Sinema Rejects Minimum Wage, Follows McCain As Tweet Resurfaces

Kyrsten Sinema
Kyrsten Sinema

The Senator of Arizona, US, calls for voting on the wage issues that separate from the COVID-19 bill. During the time of voting on 5th March, Friday regarding the $15 minimum wage amendment for the enormous coronavirus stimulus bill, Kyrsten Sinema, the Democrat US Senator gave a ‘no’ to the bill. This has led to the massive anger of the general people of Arizona against her.

Kyrsten Sinema Infuriates Arizona

Kyrsten Sinema turned down the minimum wage voting that resulted in widespread anger. Soon after a video emerged on social media that has now become viral. In the video, Kyrsten Sinema is seen giving a ‘thumbs down’ on the floor of the Senate.

Sinema is one of the 7 Democrats as well as a left-leaning independent who has opposed this amendment that has failed due to the count of 58-42.

The senator tried to justify her vote through a statement that she had tweeted. She informed that the wage debate must be settled in a separate manner away from the congressional reply to the coronavirus pandemic.

She further stated that the Senate must hold an open debate as well as an amendment process for the purpose of increasing the minimum wage.

She tweeted that the Senators of both the Democrat and Republican Party revealed their support for increasing the minimum wage. However, the Senate must conduct a separate session for amending this process that should be separated from the coronavirus stimulus bill.

She has also promised to keep working that will ensure access to good-paying jobs, skilled training, and quality education for the citizens of the US and create a more secure life for the Americans.