What to think about when writing a product review

writing a product review
writing a product review

The days of finding a product online and buying it in one swoop are long gone. Today, online consumers find it almost impossible to make a decision – there’s a constant need for reassurance prior to clicking ‘Purchase’ or ‘Sign-up’.

A well-written product review helps in that respect, shifting the mindset of a customer from “Not sure if this is for me” to “Yes, this is the one for me”. And they’ve become so common, it’s hard to imagine how anybody ever bought something without it being reviewed first.

But what makes a product review, good? Even more pertinent, how do you go about writing one? Here are 5 things to think about.

Honesty is the best policy

The online world is awash with heaps of product reviews, some useful but many exaggerated. Don’t think you need to praise anything and everything about a product. 

A reader wants to read a review that is both honest and unique. Disregard what other reviewers may say and drop the industry jargon.

Instead, actually try the product for yourself (you’ll be surprised at how many reviewers do not do this), find the pros and cons, share your findings and tell the reader about your personal experience.

Authenticity is the foundation of any online review.

Be balanced

If there’s something you really like, hold back a little. You may want to shout about how damn good a particular aspect is but the reader may not have the same view. 

By the same token, do not go overboard with criticism if there are things about the experience that failed to live up to your expectations.

Instead, try and stay as neutral as possible. If there is something you feel strongly about and you feel the prospective buyer – and your reader – should know, make sure you’re constructive about it.

Know what you’re talking about 

Consumers crave an expert opinion for peace of mind. A reliable review provides that final stamp of approval and gives a customer the confidence to go ahead and complete the purchase or sign up.

You, therefore, need to know what you’re talking about. A review light on facts and vague in its approach will feel amateurish and lose credibility in an instant.

Along with using the product, spend a bit more time researching the product and its finer details. This will enable you to deliver a review that is comprehensive and bursting with knowledge, which is crucial to the reader who is relying on your expertise to make an informed choice.

Write like you’re talking with a friend

A review is not an essay or a report. It’s a text which should be conversational and friendly. The reader wants your opinion so be sure to fully engage with your audience.

The best way to do this is to imagine talking with a friend. A relaxed, informal feel is exactly the tone you should be looking for when writing your review. 

The more easy-going you are, the more genuine your review will sound.

Compare the competition

Standalone product reviews are effective. But comparing two market-leading products at the same time brings even more value to a reader, who more often than not wants to know ‘which one is best’.

A VS review, such as this FanDuel vs DraftKings sportsbook review, which compares the two best betting sites in America, examines both products in great detail across seven criteria and concludes with a ‘winner’.

This type of review depends on your industry of course but can prove an emphatic way of reviewing a product in a highly competitive market.


There’s no manual on how to write a product review. There are, however, several factors you should keep in mind.

  • Authenticity wins the day – Fake reviews don’t wash
  • Keep your neutral head firmly on – do not go overboard either way
  • Sound like an expert – know everything there is to know about the product
  • Treat the reader as your friend – write with a degree of freedom
  • Compare a similar product – this method can bring more value to a product review