3rd Stimulus Check: Yet Another Batch On The Way

Stimulus Check CalWorks
Stimulus Check

Around 2.3 million stimulus check payments have been sent out to the public- which constitutes a big part of the American Rescue Plan of Joe Biden worth $1.9 trillion. This implies that over 169 million payments have already seen the light of the day- which brings about a total valuation of $400 billion ever since the payments started coming on the 12th of March. The IRS has already pushed out more information about the last couple of weeks of payments- which include those payments that had their dates on the 9th of June. 

Information About The Newest Stimulus Check Payments 

  1. The stimulus check constitutes almost 2.3 million payments with a total value of around $4.2 billion. 
  2. Around 900,000 Economic Impact Payments with a total valuation of $1.9 billion have been rendered eligible to those individuals to whom the IRS previously had no information- be it their delivery date or their expected date of filing a tax return. 
  3. The report also contains information pertaining to the ongoing supplemental payments for those individuals who have already received the payment earlier this year based on the tax returns of 2019. Interestingly, they will be eligible for yet another payment based on their tax returns for 2020. Over the last couple of weeks, there were around 1.1 million different plus-up payments with a total valuation of $2.5 billion. 
  4. The last couple of weeks saw payments delivered worth around 1.2 million direct deposit payments over a total valuation of $2.2 billion as a part of the stimulus check payments. 

The IRS has already declared that the Economic Impact Payments would continue to discuss the issues surrounding the stimulus check on a weekly basis.