FDX Director Has Sold 4,720 Shares Of The Stock


The Director of FDX, Susan C. Schwab, has reportedly sold off 4,720 shares of the company stocks in a 29th June transaction. The average price of the transaction was $297.30, with a total transaction coming to a sum of $1.4 million. After the transaction, the Director has ownership of over 10,312 shares of the company stocks with a total valuation of $3 million. The documentation of the entire transaction is being stored at the SEC.

The Quarterly Report Of FDX

The stocks of FDX traded on Tuesday at $3.90. The moving average price of the company over a period of 50 days is $299.77. The market cap of the firm is $79.04 billion, with a 15.32 PE ratio, along with a PEG ratio of 1.23. The debt-to-equity ratio of the company has been set at 1.04, with a 1.56 quick ratio, along with a 1.60 current ratio. The year low of the company has been set at $134.92, with a year high of $319.90. 

FDX previously announced its quarterly reports on the 23rd of June. The provider of shipping services reported an EPS of $5.01, which was more than the consensus estimate of $4.99. The revenue generated by the company during this period was $22.57 billion, with a consensus estimate set at $21.54 billion. The net margin of the company during this period was 6.23%, with a 23.45% return on equity. 

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of FDX. Barclays has already increased the price target of the company from $360 to $375 with a rating of overweight on the stocks in a 23rd June transaction. BMO Capital Markets has also put up a price target of $315 with a rating of market perform in a Friday research report.

UBS Group has decided to reiterate its rating of buy with a price target of $383 in a 19th March research report. Wolfe Research has also increased the rating of the company from peer perform to outperform in a 3rd May research report. Berenberg Bank has been one of the last equities that have put up a rating of buy with a price target of $350 on the stocks of FDX in a 28th May research report.