Ethereum Has Overtaken Bitcoin In Around 26% Of The Countries


According to the study put forward by CoinText on the popularity of cryptocurrencies throughout the world, it has been understood that Ethereum investors outnumber Bitcoin investors in around 26% of the countries.

This does provide quite a refreshing insight into this whole flipping debate while highlighting several new beliefs that concern cryptocurrencies on a global scale. When one digs deeper, the major analysis would highlight that American investors of Bitcoin have also been outnumbered by the investors of Dogecoin. This entails that the USA contains the highest number of Dogecoin investors in the world. Argentina also possesses a far higher portion of Bitcoin investors than any single another country- which is a response to the inflation that hampers the South American nation. 

Ethereum Beats Out Bitcoin In 26% of the Countries

The study also went on to conclude that more Japanese investors invested in Solana than they did in Ethereum– which does display quite a stout belief that Solana would be offering a far better-decentralized finance platform. At the same time, Singapore has turned out to be the most bullish nation on Ether. The data provided by CoinText comes from January 2022 and has been derived from a survey taken from 27 countries. These results were then weighted using the interactive ranking process to bring out the national population distribution in every country. 

The coins that were examined- Ethereum, Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Solana, and Ripple- have always been among the biggest coins in the crypto industry and encompass some of the major sub-sectors present in the crypto market. David Merry did mention that investors throughout the world are quite a diverse group- as they have been coming in from several variant macro landscapes. They also seek contrasting avenues in deploying their capital with every country bringing out its own economic parameters.