Abby De La Rosa Mocks Nick Cannon

Abby De La Rosa

Abby De La Rosa is one of the most popular figures in the entertainment circuit of America. She has appeared in a lot of popular shows and has garnered a lot of appreciation for her talent. Rosa is one of the biggest media influencers and has recently expressed her views on Nick Cannon. The personality stated jokingly that Nick is trying to produce an entire generation all by himself. She took to Instagram and mentioned the fact that Nick will probably not let anyone else have a kid in the upcoming future.

Nick Cannon is a popular comedian in America. However, the comedian is more known for his works outside of comedy. Nick has been in a lot of controversies as he has impregnated more than one woman. He has had a lot of relationships and almost everyone has a baby with Nick Cannon. He is currently expecting his tenth child with Brittany Bell. Bell is pregnant with her third child while Nick would be expecting his tenth.

Abby De La Rosa mocked the comedian by commenting that his kids would give the Kardashian family a run for their money. She also joked about the fact that Cannon’s kids might take over the supremacy of the world shortly. Let us learn more about the story in detail below. 

Abby De La Rosa Jokes About Nick Cannon

Abby De La Rosa cannot stop herself from joking about Nick Cannon for impregnating multiple women at once. Nick and Bell will be celebrating their third child shortly. It was only a year ago, that the duo gave birth to twin sons, namely, Zion and Zillion. 

Nick Cannon also had a heartbreak recently as one of his children, Zen, whose mother was Alyssa Scott, died of brain cancer. The post from Abby De La Rosa has gone extremely viral and has made the fans comment about it.