What Should You Do If You Have Missed The Deadline For The Stimulus Check Payment?

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

As most of us are well aware, the 17th of November was supposed to be the last date for someone to claim their missing coronavirus stimulus check payment. This could also be applied to the extended child tax credit payment that Congress had approved. Now, if someone has missed out on this deadline, there are a couple of things that they can which would resolve their situation.

But, one needs to remember that they will not be receiving the money this year- but the next time they end up filing their taxes. It is estimated that close to 9 million people, who could have ideally been considered eligible for the stimulus payment or the child tax credit, didn’t actually file for their tax returns in 2021. These people are mostly those who are not required by law to file their taxes due to low income. Since the IRS regularly uses tax returns in order to determine who gets the payment and who doesn’t, certain people have been omitted.

Stimulus Check Payment For Those Who Haven’t Received It Yet

However, it is understood that the IRS has given them some extra time to file their tax returns. Also, in order to make it easier for them to file this return, the agency had previously brought out an IRS Free File form– which has been suspended currently. This tool was actually for those individuals who weren’t required by law to file their taxes. Those who ended up missing the 17 November deadline to claim their child tax credit or the stimulus check payment could still claim them when they file their taxes in 2023. It must also be noted that those people can also claim the payment by Tax Day in 2025. 

One needs to note that those who had previously filed their taxes in 2021 have already received the first two stimulus check payments by now. But those who didn’t file any tax returns over the last couple of years but are planning on filing one soon would be able to claim all three payments simultaneously.