Brooke Shields Is Against Social Media In Our Daily life

brooke shields

 Her new documentary Pretty Baby discloses many inner topics which could be triggering and eye-opening. Brooke Shields’s daughters got mad at her for not letting them know everything. She strongly believes that social media is affecting everyday life. The mother of two teenage daughters tries to keep them away from social media. She is a woman who is fighting for the future of females.

Brooke Shields Failed To Mention Nitty-Gritty To Her Daughters

Pretty Baby shows the objectification of women. Probably the only thing that caught Brooke Shields’s daughters off guard, was that they were upset with their mother. That anger opened up many important conversations in their household. That basically cleared the air between them. Brooke Shields personally love the idea of uplifting women. Empowering them is one of the kindest things to do.

She was out on International working women’s day and wearing a hot pink power suit. Paired them with matching heels, made her look marvelous. Social media is misleading, there is a real world beyond that spotlight. She is trying hard to keep her daughters away from the social media spotlight. Whenever someone is saying something to girls they must be careful with it because everything one say is heard.

Brooke Shields always keep this in her mind regarding how to train her daughters with body image. People outside the home going to point out how imperfect they are. Only parents can help them. She has brought two beautiful strong women, who are open to criticism. They are fearless as well.

The two teenage daughters often ask Brooke Shields why doesn’t she cooks like other mothers. In response, she always says she is making the movie for Christmas, unlike other moms. Which is justified from her point of view.