Situations That May Raise Your Social Security Payments

social security

Benefits and utilities provided by Social Security are always changing to reach the demands of American citizens. For instance, persons who receive SSI payments or Social Security may be eligible for higher government benefits in the future as a result of certain life events, such as the death of their spouse or ex-spouse. Another option may be you or any of your family members are qualified for benefits as a result of the labor of another person, or even qualifies for a larger option as per their employment. All of the information about this is available on the Social Security site.


Additionally, the Social Security webpage provides the BEST tool, or Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool, which aids Americans in determining whether they are eligible for any additional benefits from the SSA. The tool lists the benefits for which a person is qualified as well as the qualifications and application procedures.

The SSA Advises Individuals In Certain Situations To See If They Qualify For Enhanced Social Security Payments

Has your ex-husband or spouse passed away?

Having worked for at least ten years and having paid taxes for Social Security on those earnings, do you currently receive Medicare benefits?

Has your child (adult) who has been assisting you with support, passed away?

Do you receive SS payments as a result of your spouse’s employment?

Do you receive SS payments as a result of your parents’ employment?

Are you single right now but were formerly wed for ten+ years?

Do your spouse’s earnings qualify your child for SS benefits?

Do you currently qualify for disability benefits or retirement and do you also have a disabled kid under your care?

Do you now receive SSI payments and have prior military service?

Do you have a guardian who has passed and getting Social Security payments or are you receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?