Stimulus Checks Have Lost Momentum But Still Available In Three States

stimulus checks

The stimulus checks from the federal government may be nothing more than a memory of the past in most of the United States. However, three states are still issuing direct payments for their residents to enjoy before the end of October. The last federal stimulus checks were sent over 2 years ago. Be that as it may, residents of Virginia, Alabama, and Arizona can still receive benefits.

The Three Stimulus Check-Like Payments

In Alabama, residents can receive a maximum of $300 as long as they are eligible taxpayers. The particular amount for single filers stands at $150 while for joint filers, the amount stands at $300. To qualify for the payments, the taxpayer must have filed their IT return to the state for 2021 by October 17th, 2022. It should be noted that a number of Alabamans, who did not file any returns or are categorized as dependent on a different taxpayer during 2021, did not qualify to receive the stimulus check-like tax rebates. The State is set to start sending out the checks on November 30th.

Residents of Arizona can also get bonus cash payments from the state government. Taxpayers who have dependents are set to receive their refunds for their filed taxes before November 15th. However, the specific amount will be based on the number of dependents of the filers. For children whose age is below 17, the stimulus check-like amount stood at $250 for every dependent. The limit was three dependents, and a total of $750. Dependents who are older than 18 are set to receive $100 per person.

Finally, in Virginia, residents who have any kind of liability in taxes in 2022, can expect their money to be in their hands before November 30th. Tax liabilities refer to any amount that the filer owes to the state after the deduction of tax credits. Filers who are single are expected to receive up to $200, while joint filers may see up to $400 as bonus cash.