Apple Park’s Rainbow Arches Removed, But Plans for Rebuilding Are Underway

Apple Park’s Rainbow Arches Removed, But Plans for Rebuilding Are Underway

The vibrant arches that used to encircle the Apple Park Stage have been removed, as observed in Google Maps satellite imagery.

This development is unexpected, considering they’ve been a signature element in Apple keynote presentations, but reports indicate that they are set to be rebuilt, this time as a permanent feature …

Jony Ive informed the staff about the plans for the May 2019 event in an internal message back then.

“Our aim was to design a stage that would instantly be recognized as the Apple Stage. The concept of the rainbow was one of those unique instances where our initial ideas aligned across various aspects.

This resonates with the rainbow logo, which has been a part of our identity for a long time. Additionally, the rainbow symbolizes positivity and inclusivity; I think one of the main reasons it appealed to us so deeply was due to its aesthetic connection. A semi-circle aligns so beautifully and naturally with the structure of the ring […]

The rainbow’s presence and sense of hope is palpable in numerous contexts, and ultimately — it’s challenging to find someone who doesn’t appreciate a rainbow.”

The stage itself was designed as a temporary installation, allowing it to be disassembled and reinstalled for different events, while the arches were left in place.

Ibsix’s Gabriel Iglesias proposes that it might not be gone for long. The speculation suggests that the arches were initially conceived as a temporary installation, built to standards appropriate for that purpose. However, they’ve become such an iconic feature that Apple is likely aiming to make them a permanent addition, redesigning them into a more durable structure.

Image: Collage from DMN featuring images from Apple and Google