Squawkbox: Albany Herald Edition

Squawkbox: Albany Herald Edition


I’m increasingly frustrated with the current state of politics. It has devolved into a conflict of opposing sides. Rather than engaging as adults to resolve issues, it resembles children arguing incessantly. Divided, we are bound to fail.

Is Mr. Fletcher actually me? They certainly appear equally foolish.

Firstly, Carlton, I commend you for your courageous stance today. Unfortunately, I anticipate a strong backlash will follow. Secondly, I have no preference for how the TV schedule and comics are presented as long as we continue to receive them.

Can one of you knowledgeable Democrats enlighten me on why there’s resistance to people returning to work? Do they live in some fantasy world, believing that money is limitless? Just a reminder, the funds the government distributes come from hard-working individuals paying taxes.

Carlton could set a positive example by returning his stimulus check or simply stay silent. And remember, don’t engage with a man who purchases ink by the barrel and paper by the trainload.

Democracy is akin to two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch; liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting that vote. We must protect our 2nd Amendment rights.

Honestly, I believe Biden would have handled the COVID-19 pandemic significantly better. Within days, he would have assembled top medical experts to address containment. He would have taken charge at the federal level regarding medical supplies instead of leaving governors to fend for themselves. He would not have shirked responsibility. Sadly, we ended up with Trump’s poor leadership.

Bo Dorough serves as our mayor, but he’s also a private attorney with an obligation to represent his client (Will Geer) effectively. This does not make him a poor leader.

Once again, Carlton, your editorial last Sunday was spot on. Personally, I will continue to adhere to the guidelines established by the CDC and medical professionals. If you opt to overlook this virus, that’s your choice—good luck; you will need it.

Trump criticized former President Obama when just two Americans succumbed to the Ebola outbreak, suggesting he should forgo golf to tackle the issue. Now, with nearly 100,000 Americans lost to COVID-19 during Trump’s delayed response, he went golfing on Saturday while Americans were suffering. This is a clear depiction of evil unfolding before our eyes.

I visited the beach last weekend, and it was packed with tens of thousands of people. They anticipate quadruple the numbers on Memorial Day.

Things are going to change after this! Who could have foreseen it?

The only positive aspect of this pandemic is that I no longer have Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking on my door. Thank you, God.

People, we drove around Chehaw Park last week and were dismayed by how neglected it looks. As our area’s top attraction, they need our support. I hope they are receiving adequate funding from our city and county.

Who do you turn to when your monthly newsletter seems irrelevant to the Post Office, which doesn’t care whether it is delivered?