A New Stimulus Check Is Heading Your Way This Week!

Stimulus Check CalWorks
Stimulus Check

A new stimulus check will be issued to your account this week by the IRS. Over 2.2M Americans will be receiving new payments. More than 2.2M Americans will be receiving their 3rd series of stimulus checks. If you are eligible, you will get your stimulus check this week. There will be a maximum amount of $1400 in each stimulus payment. 

Your Stimulus Check Got Delayed Due To Backlogs Inside The Agency!

The IRS has already distributed more than 170M checks to Americans. The latest series of stimulus checks distributed by the IRS is plagued with a lot of backlogs inside the agency. Till now, some 171M Americans have managed to receive their payments. A major chunk of these payments was issued to the bank accounts of eligible individuals.

These are the Americans who forgot to file their tax information and details with the agency for an EIP. They also have not filed their tax returns for 2020. In March, when the members of Congress passed the Rescue Plan of America, a major chunk of Americans received a stimulus check of $1400 in their mail or bank accounts that month. 

Joe Biden, President of, United States of America, was the mastermind behind the Rescue Plan of America. Due to some issues like backlog, many struggling Americans have not received their checks. Those Americans who received their payments during March by filing their tax returns for 2019 are eligible for these payments. Also, those Americans who haven’t filed their tax returns for 2020 are eligible for these payments. The IRS is looking to speed up this process and send a million checks in a few weeks. If you are an eligible American, you will be getting your stimulus check this week!