Albany Herald: Squawkbox Edition

Albany Herald: Squawkbox Edition

Having James Taylor return to Albany would be a welcome event, whether he’s here for government service or simply to enjoy citizen life. He’s a remarkable individual.

Available for a loving home … Squirrels. Catch them, and they’re yours.

Why are local officials delaying action on this metropolitan statistical area issue until the last moment? They should have taken initiative from the start. This reflects poor leadership.

Upon arriving at Phoebe Tower I, I anticipated the routine temperature check but was caught off guard when they handed me an additional mask to wear over my already thick cloth mask. Just a year ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci advised against wearing masks, suggesting it might even be counterproductive.

Joe Biden pledged that each American would receive a $2,000 stimulus check upon his presidency. Instead, our representatives (Bishop, Ossoff, Warnock) opted to trim that amount by $600, redirecting those funds to Planned Parenthood, the National Endowment for the Arts, and foreign aid to Pakistan, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

As I grew up in a small town in southern Georgia, there were only a few individuals who believed the moon landings were faked and that professional wrestling was authentic. Those perspectives now seem to dominate over half of the Republican Party. That Masked Man.

Is Demetrius Young advocating for lesser equipment to be used in east Albany? Someone must be handing out bribe money. If B.J. Fletcher proposed such a notion, she’d likely face accusations of racism, and Young — a fellow commissioner — would demand a boycott of her business. It’s political sleaze at its finest.

We don’t need metal detectors in Congress; we need lie detectors.

With Subadan no longer in the picture, Demetrius Young and Jon Howard might employ racial politics to pressure Bo Dorough into overlooking needs and fulfilling their demands … benefiting only those who don’t contribute to the tax base.

Hey SMRs, continue the claim that merely 9% of the COVID Relief Bill was allocated to COVID. It will have the same impact as Trump’s assertion that he really won the election. Nine percent of 1.9 trillion is 171 million. Dividing the 171 million by the $1,400 stimulus checks yields only about 123,000 checks. So cease the misinformation. From the blue state of Georgia, signed Yours Truly.

Before agreeing to contracts with any of these TV lawyers, consider comparing your options. Have a legitimate lawyer examine these documents before you sign. Otherwise, you could end up facing charges for services you weren’t aware were performed. I assure you, those costs will be deducted from your settlement.

How to recognize when Democrats fear strong conservative Republicans? If you’re a white Republican, they label you a racist white supremacist; if you’re a black Republican, you’re termed a race traitor or Uncle Tom. Neither is accurate. They simply believe in a strong, free nation.

The Academy Awards … Has anyone ever recognized any of the nominated individuals or even seen their films?

We’re not all in the same boat. We’re in the same storm. Some possess yachts while others struggle in canoes with holes in the bottom.