AMZN Will Be Posting A Sum Sales Of $115.09 Billion


Several research equities have already predicted that the stocks of AMZN will be posting a sales sum of $115.09 billion for this quarter. Thirteen research analysts have already provided estimates into the earnings of the company with the ball rolled at $113.22 billion, with the highest range coming to $116.44 billion. The sales sum put by the company over the previous year was $88.91 billion, which indicates an annual growth rate of about 29.4%. The company will be putting up its next quarterly report on the 29th of July.

The Quarterly Reports Of AMZN

Interestingly, AMZN previously updated its quarterly report on the 28th Wednesday. The conglomerate posted an EPS of $15.79 which was more than the consensus estimate of $9.54. The net margin of the company is 4.99%, with a 24.49% return on equity. 

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of AMZN. The Goldman Sachs Group increased the price target of the company from $4200 to $4500 with a rating of buy in a 3rd February research report.

Deutsche Bank has also put up a target of $4,250 with a rating of buy in a 3rd February research report. Mizuho Securities has a price target of $4,400 with a rating of buy in a 6th of May research report. Evercore ISI has increased the price target of the company to $4,500 with a rating of “outperform” in a 30th April research report. 

Two of the research equities have already given the stocks a rating of hold, while forty-six others have issued the company with a rating of buy. AMZN has a buy rating with a $4,135.79 price target. 

The stocks of AMZN traded on Tuesday at $3,190.49. The market cap of the firm is $1.61 trillion, with a 93.43 PE ratio. The year low of $2,330 with the year high of $3,554 was fixed on the company.