AMZN Receives Rating Of Outperform From Analysts

AMZN (NASDAQ: AMZN) began to be covered by equities researchers of Wolfe Research on Thursday, 1st April. The firm gave a rating of “outperform” and set an objective price of $3720 for the stock. 

The current price objective signals a 20.23% potential upside from the previous close of the stock.

Stock Commentary Of AMZN

Quite a few other research equity analysts have also covered AMZN stock. Morgan Stanley restated their rating of “overweight” on 3rd February. Oppenheimer increased their target price to $4100 from $3700 and gave a rating of “outperform” to the stock on 3rd February. Guggenheim increased their target price to $4000 from $3600 and rated the stock as “buy” on 3rd February. Canaccord Genuity also increased their objective price to $4100 from $3800 on 3rd February. AMZN currently has the general consensus of “buy” with a $3929.19 average price objective. 

The 50 days simple moving average stands at $3128.02 while for 200 days it is $3169.70. The lowest and highest of AMZN in a year stands at $1889.15 and $3552.25 respectively. The market capitalization value of the stock is $1.56T with a 1.19 beta. The most recent earning results posting was on 1st February. The company reported an EPS of $14.09 overshooting the general estimate was $7.05. AMZN had a 4.99% net margin with a 24.49% equity return. Analysts forecast an EPS of 34.59 for this year.

Jonathan Rubenstein, the Director, sold off 314 shares on 5th January whose average price was $3166.01. Judith A. McGrath, another Director, also sold off 340 shares on 4th February whose average price was $3328.35. Insider currently owns 16.10% of the company’s stock.

Tacita Capital Inc, Cowa LLC, Baron Financial Group LLC, Resolute Partners Group, and Advanced Research Investment Solutions LLC all increased their stake in the company’s shares.