Another Stimulus Check Worth $500 As ‘Resiliency’ Aid Coming For Americans

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Stimulus Check

Although the citizens of the United States of America have been struggling against the worsening inflation, the federal government has stayed quiet on the demand for a stimulus check. On the other hand, several states across the country came forward to provide stimulus checks in the form of tax rebates or relief aid that has already been distributed. 

There is another round of stimulus checks arriving for eligible Americans soon in 2023 that will help them stay afloat and purchase basic products like gas, medicines, and food. 

Resiliency Stimulus Check for Eligible Americans 

The residents of Chicago have got good news since the government has announced a program named Resiliency 2.0 that is already in action. Lori Lightfoot, Governor of Chicago, shared this relieving news on 2nd February 2023 that they will be offering an additional Resiliency aid to the eligible residents of Chicago. 

City officials mentioned that almost 10,000 residents with documents as well as 7,000 workers in the domestic sphere will be receiving this Resiliency payment since they did not receive the central stimulus check. They further added that recipients must be over 18 years with 300% below the central poverty level. 

US State Stimulus Payment 

Chicago government also stated that a family with 3 members must not have over $69,090 income and all applicants will receive their payment within thirty days. 

Several other US states have also stepped up and provided additional relief payments including California, Texas, Massachusetts, Montana, South Carolina, Chicago, Maine, Idaho, Connecticut, Alaska, and Denver. The IRS has also announced tax relief for citizens of many states prior to this tax season. They released a list of states whose residents do not need to report their stimulus check as an income source since it is non-taxable. However, residents of a few states will be taxed on their relief payments.