Anthony Fauci Opens Up About Covid-19 Under Biden’s Presidency

anthony fauci
anthony fauci

Anthony Fauci shared his gratitude towards the Biden administration for speaking up sincerely about Covid-19 in his initial news briefing in the White House. He opposed the reactions and repercussions, apprehended, and faced Donald Trump’s administration. Being appreciative of the transparency in the current administration, Dr. Fauci found it liberating to be able to speak his mind without any inhibitions, specific to his field of expertise.

Dr. Anthony Fauci under the Trump Government:

Dr. Anthony Fauci helped the nation wade through the pandemic under the Trump administration. He has worked with Trump and the coronavirus taskforce since the pandemic struck the country. Time and again, President Donald Trump reportedly made faux passes regarding the coronavirus. He gave out deceptive information regarding the pandemic, disregarded warnings of Dr. Fauci as well as the other experts.

Anthony Fauci recalls the times when he would share his presence with Trump during briefings. There, Trump would give long speeches that were aimed to gain popularity for him for the forthcoming Presidential elections. He used those broadcasts for his election campaign as the pandemic barred him from attending the campaign rallies. This was an uncomfortable experience for Dr. Fauci as it put him in a very difficult situation. Where despite his disagreement with all of Trump’s claims, and his wish to stop him from making such fallacious claims, he had to bear with the situation.

Dr. Fauci expects working under the Biden administration would be a liberating experience for him and his colleagues. The Press Secretary of the White House, Jen Psaki, announced that officials of public health would be making daily appearances and briefing them to talk about the coronavirus. 

Anthony Fauci is one of the top health experts in the University States.