APPL Has Its Price Target Increased To $151


The stocks of APPL have raised their price target to a sum of $151, after several analysts working at Wedbush reported their findings. Currently, the brokerage has given the company a rating of outperform, which is indicative of an annual growth rate of 25.76% on the previous close of the stock.

The Stock Commentary of APPL

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of APPL. Fundamental Research has been one of the first companies to increase the price objective of the company from a sum of $113.91 to a sum of $148.12, along with a rating of buy in a 5th February research report.

Deutsche Bank also ended up putting up a price target of $160, along with a buy rating in a 15th February research report. Raymond James has gone the same way- increasing the price target of the conglomerate from $140 to $150, along with a rating of outperform in a 25th January research report. Cowen has also elevated the price target of the company from a sum of $133 to $153, along with a rating of outperform in a 22nd January research report. 

Two of the investment analysts involved with the firm have given it a rating of sell, while eleven of them have given it a rating of hold. On the other hand, twenty-seven of the research analysts have given APPL a rating of buy. Currently, the conglomerate has a buy rating with a $133.61 price target. 

The stocks of APPL traded on Wednesday at $1.01. The year low of the firm is $53.15, while the year high has been set at $145.09. The market cap of the company is $2.02 trillion, with a 36.93 PE ratio, and a PEG ratio of around 2.75.