An unusual bug in Apple Maps is causing point-of-interest markers to display for various airport baggage claim areas throughout the United States, even when the map is zoomed out to a level where nearly no other landmarks, including airports, are visible.
These random baggage claim markers can be seen on Apple Maps across iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices. This appears to be a data glitch from the Apple Maps backend, which should be rectified by Apple via a server update.
The issue was first reported by Apple Maps users on Reddit approximately twenty-four hours ago. If you’re curious to witness it yourself, open the Maps app and adjust your view to center on Chicago. Then, zoom out until you can see state abbreviations and major cities.
At this level of zoom, several blue baggage claim markers will unexpectedly appear, originating from various airport terminals. Normally, these points of interest would only be visible when zoomed in closely on a specific airport, utilizing the indoor mapping features available at major airports and shopping malls.
Ultimately, it’s a rather benign bug that Apple will likely resolve subtly over time. However, it is intriguing that it began occurring only within the last day or so.