Aubrey O’Day Claims To Be Beyond Heartbroken

Aubrey O'Day

Aubrey O’Day shares to have undergone a miscarriage via an Instagram post. She writes in a sad note that everything that happens, takes place for a reason and that she would always love the little one.

Aubrey O’Day Speaks  About Her Current Thoughts On Her Miscarriage

On Monday, Aubrey O’Day stated to E! News that the 39-year-old is much more than just heartbroken. She said to them that this was not her first time being pregnant but this was the first time she was very much mentally healthy and prepared physically to take care of another life that was about to come into this world. Being a strong woman, she said that she has yet not given up her hopes and dreams of becoming a mother.

Aubrey O’Day further tells how she has had junctures where she landed up blaming herself internally but also came out of it realizing that there is not only one place at the table. She realized that when her child will be ready, it will just come and will be her grateful miracle forever.

Aubrey O’Day reaches out to other females in the world who have been a sufferer of miscarriage. She drops a message to them, to those who have gone through the grief to not feel alone and to feel all the love that O’Day can offer. She also asks them to importantly remain aware that everyone here is present there to support and love each other. She opens her doors to these sufferers like her to feel free to contact her on Instagram anytime they feel the need to talk or connect and Aubrey O’Day promises to listen patiently and that the women can count on her and confide in her.