While Democrats and The President are All for Another Stimulus Check, Will It Actually See The Light of the Day?

Stimulus Checks

While most of the lawmakers, as well as the POTUS, are clamoring for another payment made to the millions who didn’t receive the previous stimulus check, how far will it actually come through? For, while the people in Congress have been hosting sessions after sessions for this very demand, they are no closer to actually implementing it. Negotiations have been going round and round in circles for months, and with the Presidential elections coming through, we are not sure if the stimulus checks would come out for yet another time. 

Stimulus checks
While Democrats and The President are All for Another Stimulus Check, Will It Actually See The Light of the Day? 3

Although Tuesday did bring some silver lining in the negotiations, no one knows when the legislation will actually pass in the two houses, and then be signed by the President. Yet, it is expected that the process will be much faster than before as the IRS has a much better grasp on how to do things this time around. There is a catch though- the decision has to be made before the payments are out- or it would be for nought. Stimulus Checks are important, and the administration does support its implementation one more time- just that the dates haven’t been fixed yet. Al Harris, the Democrat from Texas mentioned that it is imperative that stimulus checks be paid so that people can pay their rent. 

The Democrat vs Republican Tussle for Stimulus Checks

The main stop in the negotiations comes as both the Republicans and the Democrats try to compromise and find a middle ground. With both sides arguing over the finer points of the law, it seems like it is just a matter of time before the law is passed. And yet, there are still some obstacles that need to be ironed out. But, that is not the only problem- time seems to be running out. With elections just a month away, Congress would be taking a recess in a few days. And before they do that, they also need to pass a bill to prevent the Government from shutting down in the face of the Presidential Elections 2020.


stimulus checks
While Democrats and The President are All for Another Stimulus Check, Will It Actually See The Light of the Day? 4

The Presidential Election Might Lead to a Delay in the Stimulus Checks

So, if people are actually putting their hopes on Congress to bring out a favorable decision, they need to remember that Congress might take some time before they reach a said decision. Since the Presidential Elections would be of utmost importance in the coming days, any decision regarding a second stimulus check could come in the new year. But obviously there is a chance that the ruling party might decide on giving priority to some other issue than a stimulus check. There are several variables that are in play, and which can determine if the stimulus check would actually see the light of day. 

With both parties blaming each other for causing delay in the ongoing negotiations, it needs to be seen who would actually take the responsibility of reaching a conclusion. The Republicans blame the Democrats for furthering their own agenda, while the Democrats blame the Republicans for not funding stimulus checks.