Burger King CMO Apologizes Amidst Backlash Over Women’s Day Post

Burger King
Burger King

The officer of chief marketing (CMO) on a global platform of Burger King had made a tweet on the occasion of Women’s Day on 8th March. Nonetheless, he received a lot of backlash from the netizens and his tweet backfired.

After being grilled for the tweet, the CMO has informed that it was definitely not their intention to cause offense or upset any person.

Burger King Suffers From Tweet On Women’s Day

The global brand of burgers, Burger King, has recently launched their brand new campaign of IWD on 8th March, Monday, International Women’s Day. Through this campaign, they made the public announcement that they will be investing in order to offer scholarships that will be aiming to enhance the culinary skills of women in the United States of America, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and other places as well.

This is mainly due to the reason that they found out after some survey that the US has about 27% women chefs out of 24% chefs. As a result, they intend to bridge the gender disparity through this campaign.

On the other hand, these positive intentions of Burger King were overshadowed by the tweet made by the CMO which stated that women belong within the space of the kitchen of the house. This led to massive backlash.

UK Burger King replied that they would like to bring a positive change to the present scenario of 20% women chefs in their country. They plan to bring gender equality to the food industry.

The CMO later expressed his belief in the positive outcome of the campaign and accused several tabloids of misquoting and taking his tweet out of the context. The company did issue an explanation owing to this misfired tweet and immense backlash.