Cash Stuffing Saved A Young Woman’s Life

cash stuffing

Cash Stuffing was nothing but a video on social media platforms. Jasmine Taylor from Texas has used that method. She saw incredible results after using it. She paid off all her debts. Which was around $80,000.She caught the eye of the media and has gone viral since then. She had no jobs, and while making a road for a concrete income. She was drawing in debt, this method saved her life.

How To Do Cash Stuffing?

Cash stuffing asks you to stop using credit and debit cards. Jasmine Taylor shared her own experience where she divided all the money. Made a weekly budget for the necessary goods. Cut off luxury purchases for a few months. Unnecessary purchase needs to be in check. Use a different color highlighter to keep the track of different purposes.

Jasmine Taylor is turning 30 this year. And financial stress has been bothering her. She wanted to change her life for the better. She had students loan of $60,000 and $9,000 in credit card bills. Again $10,000 medical.

She could have lost her home, but she suddenly saw the video Cash Stuffing on youtube which made her realize she could bring changes in her life.

She did that. Her life turned 180 degrees.

People are more attracted to Taylor’s method of using cash stuffing. The way she used the envelopes to divide the cash. Now she runs a full-time company of stationery goods, of all those things she used to cash stuffing. Her business is booming.

Jasmine Taylor also has a youtube channel where she teaches all the things she has done so far to get out of financial debt.