Child Tax Credit Still Making You Wait? Here’s The Way To Track The Payments

Child Tax Credit
Child Tax Credit

Parents all over the country received a recently increased child tax credit that had been disbursed by the Internal Revenue Service, as the second install of the payments. However, some of the applicants are still in wait for the money hitting their accounts. Both the first and the second round of payments have been received by families numbering nearly 36 million, and the amount totaling about $15 billion each time. 

In case you happen to be one of the parents who are waiting on the payment of the child tax credit, the status of the same can be checked using the child tax credit update portal that has been provided by the IRS.

For people who are confused about the whereabouts of the disbursed money, there is a method set up by the IRS that can trace the payments that are missing. In order to get that done, you need to fill form 3911 which is two pages. The child tax credit payments can be tracked in this manner, however, there are certain criteria that require you to wait in case of certain situations.

The Waiting Criteria For Child Tax Credit Payments

The parents need to wait for 5 days after the expected date of deposition of the money. That apart, the parents also have to wait for four weeks after the payment had been mailed to an address by check. There is a further waiting period for the child tax credit payments for six weeks in case the payment has been mailed to an address that is forwarding, and 9 weeks in case of an address that is foreign.

According to the IRS, they are already working on the correction of a glitch that had earlier affected citizens of the U.S who had an immigrant as their spouse. Many among those families were on the list of the failed payments, but have received a certain sum during the payment of August, and would be receiving the rest of the child tax credit amount by the end of the month.