CLDR Cloudera’s Quarterly Sales Predicted To Be $221.05 Million


CLDR Cloudera Inc deals in management data analytics products across Asia, the United States, and Europe. The operations of the firm are carried out in two different segments. The two segments are Services along with Subscription. The Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub provides firms to carry out several analytic functions with sets of personal or public clouds that can be shared. The company’s Data Warehouse is utilized for analytics with self-service. The other segment is called the Operational DB, which provides stream processing along with real-time analytics based on simultaneously changing data. 

Several analytics predicted NYSE: CLDR’s quarterly reports on sales to be $221.05. The highest estimate from reporters was as far as $221.90 million. The lowest estimates were as low as $220.50 million. Same time this year, the firm reported $211.72 million. This shows a positive growth rate for the company. The reports are expected to be here on the 9th of March. 

Analysts On CLDR’s EPS and Annual Report:

Cloudera’s yearly sales report is estimated at $863.81 million. The lowest and highest predictions for this are $863.20 and $864.60 million. Researchers have also predicted the following year’s earnings to be $943.98 million. The mean average of the lowest and highest of these are $927.60 and $956.40 million. 

The current quarter’s EPS was $0.15. It topped analyst’s estimates of $0.09. The revenue was reported as well at a whopping $217.90 million. This too exceeded the predictions of several analysts who reported $208.96 million in revenue. Equity returns and net margins took a hit, though, 6.53% and 20.16% reported. 

The company also reportedly has a current rating of “hold” on their shared values. The target price being as of now, $13.40.