Updates On Stimulus Check After Ron Johnson Blocks It Twice

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Ron Johnson is the person who shut down the stimulus check containing $1200 twice. He could have helped a lot of Americans. Ron Johnson, Senator is still deciding on running for his reelection.

The proposal was given by Bernie Sanders, Senator, was objected to by Johnson. He talked about his concerns regarding the federal deficit while accusing Vermont of spreading lies about the position of the GOP on COVID-19 relief. He defended the Republicans. In his floor speech on Friday, Johnson cited a COVID-19 relief proposal that the GOP has released this early fall which included unemployment benefits, one more round of PPP, and also liability reform. Democrats dismissed the bill as being woefully inadequate. 

Sanders Demands More Money For Stimulus Check

Sanders replied that the Democrats rejected the bill because it didn’t have a single nickel for a stimulus check. The pressure regarding direct payments has come into the picture because the Republican and Democratic leaders want to finalize the relief package while averting the government shutdown. There is a general agreement about providing the stimulus check containing $600, Josh Hawley and Sanders are putting pressure for more direct payments.

 Earlier Friday, Hawley’s proposal regarding stimulus checks of $1200 was blocked by Johnson. The House believes direct payments to be the priority. Johnson said that he contested for office due to the federal deficit. He commented that the cash of earlier stimulus packages remains unspent. 

Johnson described himself as not heartless and wanting to help the American people. He voted for helping his people. He also voted for the CARES Act worth $2.2 trillion, but he is also very concerned about the country’s children’s future. Democrats view Johnson as a top target during the majority of the Senate in 2022. While in 2016 Donald won Wisconsin, President-elect Biden won this state by under one percentage point. After the speech, Johnson cited his concerns about the federal deficit. He told the reporters that he never votes by keeping his reelection in mind.