Following The Failure Of The Hard Fork, The Dash Blockchain Was Unavailable for Several Hours On June 14

Dash blockchain

Samuel Westrich, the chief technical officer of Dash, tweeted on the morning of May 21 that this Dash blockchain has halted during activating the Dash Core hard fork. 13 hours later, the v18.1.0 fix was released by the developers. While the chain was down, Dash developers issued a warning: “It is necessary to understand that transactions and obstructions on the network of Dash were not InstantSend or ChainLocked, it rather has their exclusive security features. While the blockchain was down, Binance briefly halted the delivery of Dash drilling incentives.

It Has Been More Than 16 Hours Since The Processing Of Dash Blockchain Happened Last

In anticipation of the main net launch of Dash Platform, the update, which was made public on 10th April, includes improvements to wallets, high-performance node implementation, as well as security using BLS signatures, amongst other things. The v18.1.0 upgrade will reportedly address problems, while the v19.0.0 release has been postponed until 14th June. This update should solve the Dash blockchain stall once enough master nodes and traders have updated, according to the devs. Please be mindful of the concerns that are stated in the update announcement as known. A reindex might be required.

The most recent Dash blockchain had been processed roughly 16 hours back, according to a blockchain explorer at the time of writing. Around September 13, 2022, Dash’s v18 upgrade was released. It was later updated in January following a tried hack that took some nodes down. The chain was broken by the introduction and eventual termination of Dash blockchain v18.2.0. The Dash tickers below the $40 privacy coin run on the Dash Core network. In 2014, it split off from LTC tickers below $85.31. In its April complaint against Bittrex, the US Exchange and Security Commission asserted that the Dash blockchain token was a kind of security.