Donald Trump Has Claimed That Being Without Social Media Is Cathartic

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Someone close to Donald Trump has mentioned that the erstwhile President is considerably happier after being off social media. Jason Miller, a previous campaigner for the former President stated that Trump was quite at ease with his current state in life. After the mob incident at the Capitol the previous month, the ex-President was banned from various social media platforms. The campaigner also stated that Trump felt pretty relieved at having been able to get away from the hate chamber. His isolation from social media turned out to be pretty cathartic- as the campaigner reports. 

Former Trump Aide Claims Donald Trump is Happy

Miller also stated that Melania Trump was also pretty relieved with the distance Trump had put between himself and social media. She had mentioned on several occasions that Trump was feeling pretty well about the entire situation- and enjoying his life. Miller claims that Donald Trump has profited from not being the President of the country anymore. All in all, good days have befallen the Trump household. According to Miller, this is quite literally the only time that he has ever seen the former President relaxed and happy. 

It has been mentioned that the pressure on being the President of the country is something that not many have experienced or will experience throughout their life. And when it also washes over, the sense of calm that pervades- it ought to relax even the strictest of Presidents. 

In his interview, Miller expressed his tender sadness at having to see the Trump family leave for the Mar-a-Lago resort that Donald Trump owned. And although opinions are heavily divided on this, Miller believes that most of the Trump supporters have never been prouder- than watching the single most successful term as President unfold before them.