NYSE: EIG: Employers Holdings, Inc. To Announce $163.52 Million As Post-Quarterly Sales, Reports Zacks


According to Zacks Investment Research analysts, Employers Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EIG) is expected to announce $163.52 Million in sales for the ongoing fiscal quarter.

NYSE: EIG will reportedly announce its report on the quarterly earnings on Wednesday, 17th February. Till now, two expert analysts have submitted the earnings of Employers Holdings, Inc. The lowest estimate stands at $163.24 million sales and the highest is estimated at $163.80 Million.

Compared to last year, the earnings of this year show considerable change. Last year, Employers Holdings Inc. (NYSE: EIG) posted its quarterly sales for the corresponding quarter as $192.50 Million. This suggests that the firm had a 15.1% negative yearly growth rate.

Employers Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EIG) Stock Analysis

Zacks Investment Research suggests that NYSE: EIG’s FY2020 sales will stand at $683.82 Million. The sales will approximately range from $683.54 – $684.10 Million. For the upcoming financial year, expert analysts suggest that the firm’s estimated sales will stand at $657.09 Million with the estimates varying from $655.20 to $658.97 Million.

The quarterly earnings report for the previous quarter was released on the 22nd of October. The earnings stood at $0.48 EPS as opposed to the general consensus of $0.41. The company’s return on equity stood at 5.85% along with the net margin of 11.32%. The estimated income for the firm was marked at $168.30 million but it made $181.90 Million for the quarter.

The company has recently been the subject of a lot of reports by research analysts. Some such Zacks Investment Research and BidAskClub posted reports on this firm over the last few months.

The average consensus rating of Employers Holdings, Inc. currently stands at “Hold” and the consensus on the target price is $43.00. Several hedge funds and institutional investors have also been involved in buying and selling of NYSE: EIG shares recently.