Excitement Amongst Investors Ahead Of Tesla Battery Day

Tesla Battery Day

Tesla Battery Day is just days away and speculations about the potential revelations are reportedly causing major excitement amongst the company’s investors. Especially after Elon Musk hinted at major surprises related to its batteries in a tweet earlier. Whatever the case, reports suggest that the revelation could possibly revolutionize the electric cars and tech industry. 

Tesla Battery Day will be held online after the company’s shareholders meeting, and it will be live-streamed across the globe. With all the pomp surrounding Tesla Battery Day, it looks like Elon Musk is preparing to leave Apple events behind. 

Tesla’s list of achievements is already very high. It has single-handedly spurred up the future of electric cars. Moreover, in 2019, Tesla’s revenue grew to $24.6 billion, which has risen significantly since the 2010s $100 million. Investors are hoping that the big revelation on Tuesday’s event will further accelerate Tesla’s fake and revenue. 

Tesla Will Be Ahead Of Most Of Its Competitors By 2023, As Per Market Analysts

As statistics suggest, it looks like Tesla is already far ahead of its competitors. According to top analysts at Moody’s, Tesla will leave all its rivals behind in zero-emissions car production by 2023. Another company that could give Tesla any competition is China’s, Beijing Automotive. 

As per an analyst at UBS, Patrick Hummel, a new dry electrodes battery technology could be revealed at the Tesla Battery Day. Manufacturing these will be much more simply because it wouldn’t need energy-intense drying of the electrodes before they are put inside of a battery. As per the analyst, this new technology could fast track the development of cheap energy-efficient electric cars. Furthermore, it will take some load off of quickly depleting fossil fuels. The best news about Tesla’s potential new battery technology is that it would be much cheaper to manufacture and it will deliver a 50 percent higher energy density. Elon Musk, quite famously, said that he wants to get rid of cobalt in Tesla batteries, it looks like the statement might come true soon. 

Given all the hype surrounding the Tesla Battery Day, many are hoping that Elon Musk will reveal the much anticipated Million Mile Battery. It will give electric cars a much-enhanced battery power, making it possible for it to run unprecedented long distances. The only thing that people are worried about is the high premiums that accompany battery prices. 

Will Elon Musk’s Enthusiasm Match The Even Delivery?

Even though rumors and investors’ excitement confirm all the above news, we should all remain calm until Tesla Battery Day. For all its worth, Elon Musk is notorious for over-enthusiasm. 

It could also be that, even if Tesla announces their new battery technology, electric cars with such batteries might take a long time to reach the market.