Following Social Media Ban, Right-Wing Extremists Take It To Radio

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social media

Social Media not being the link for several extremists to express their views, the Federal Communications Commission has fared a warning. They stated that several extremist groups were found sharing messages on social media about criminal activities on radios. They further commented that such conversations over the radio indicate a breach of United States law. 

FCC mentioned that they were now “aware” of such discussions through several “social media” forums that the activities for the future are being planned to be shifted to radio waves, under the Commission. They further stated that this might result in “severe penalties” that may include large “fines” and lead them to seize such “equipment.”

In a few cases, it may occur into a criminal offense. The FCC regulates such signals to be broadcasted over the radio channels. These channels are protected under the most powerful law, the First Amendment. The regulator warned many licensees that any communication proclaiming “criminal acts” might have a devastating result. 

The Social Media Ban Leading To This:

The riots that resulted in the breaking-in of the U.S. Capitol has awakened social media giants. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have banned and policed such users that use these forums to spread hate and violence, as well as criminal speeches. Instigating violence on such platforms has led to the banishment of several famous figures of the right-wing radicals. Thousands of people and groups have been booted who were planning several conspiracy theories & hate-crimes. 

Parler, a rightist application, was banned by several stores like Apple, Google Play, and Amazon. This, too, has resulted in a sweeping blow to the people who indulged on the platform, who often felt their opinions were silenced on other giant platforms. The app had been rising in popularity for the past couple of months. This also led to the social media platform suing Amazon Services under “contract breach.”