Facebook Adds New Organic Post Testing Option to Creator Studio

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creator studio

Lately, this month, a new update for Facebook Watch has been done and Facebook claimed that it was an early step of rolling out an Organic Video Post Testing Tool to assist creators in the A/B test perspectives of their videos.

Currently, apparently, some users are considering this option with the new “Create Post Tests” option showing for users in the Creator Studio app.

Facebook video post tests

In the screenshot above, you can see that if you have access, the option ‘Create Post Tests’ will appear next time you log in to the Creator Studio on the screen.

Through this, you can make four different video posts that will be tested then with some audience. After that, Facebook will provide the winning post -based on the time and impression- some distributions beyond the primary test audience.

Facebook video test

That looks like an easier way to reach much more people, with a number of your audience appearing one of your first test posts, then, the winning one will get more reach.

So, maybe the new option function in a way that Facebook’s present testing posts process work, as you can make tests based on the time or impressions to increase the best performances reach.

Organic post tests end when you either reach the combined total number of impressions that you indicate in your test parameters, which incorporates all variants of your test post, or you reach the time limit for the test. Within the test period, the posts that you’re testing don’t appear on your Page, but once the test is over, the winner is then published like a normal post.

Much of the organic post test functionality has now been moved from Pages to Creator Studio, which is where this new tool comes in – though as noted in the screenshots above, it’s primarily focused on video posts for now. 

There are limitations on how many impressions you can expect to see within your tests, so you can’t necessarily use this it boost your reach for free, but it does give you another way to maximize post performance based on actual response, which could be a very helpful option. Facebook also has an option to A/B test ads as well, so there are various ways to get direct response feedback on your efforts.

At the moment, only a small subset of users have the option available, but Facebook is working on expanding the tool to more people based on initial data and feedback. It could be a good one to keep in mind, and to try out when it becomes available – and if you’re not making regular use of Creator Studio yet, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the app, as this is increasingly where Facebook is looking to push more of its post and analytics options.

This is especially true for video uploads – as Facebook recently noted, Creator Studio is video focused, and where Facebook is looking to focus video posts.

This new functionality adds to its growing toolset, while you can also create and schedule posts, and even Stories, direct from the app.