Facebook Allegedly Booted A Business Owner Spending $46 Million From Its Platform


An owner of a small business after spending around $46 million over Facebook ads across many years alleges that he was booted from Facebook’s platform without any warning and explanation. Jordan Nabigon, CEO, Ontario, Ottawa,content-curation website Shared claimed that Facebook deleted the main page of his company without any warning and any explanation during October.

Crackdown Of Ad Policies Of Facebook Decreases Revenue Of Businesses

He shared one Medium post sharing his experiences which got around 400 “claps” on the site from readers. Between 2020 and 2006 Nabigon spent around $45,870,181 on advertising for his companies Shared, Freebies, and others, according to Business Insider’s reports of expense. During the Coronavirus pandemic, Mark Zuckerberg’s company increased the artificial intelligence use for overseeing many contents and advertising while Nabigon among many other hundreds of owners of businesses suffered due to the crackdown on policies of the ad by Facebook.

In one interview with Business Insider, Nabigon stated that they are confident of not doing anything wrong. He says that even if something went wrong, then this was not an appropriate reaction from the most popular social site. Nabigon was told and accused of violating the conditions and terms of the platform but they didn’t explain more on the matter citing security and safety reasons. The owner of a small business said that without giving him any warning of unpublishing his pages, Facebook declared its decision to be final.

The representatives of the social media site refused to comment any more on the issue. Nabigon said that he has lost many pages of his company garnering 21M followers due to these faulty violations. Nabigon has also been locked out of his own personal account. Tyler Sonnemaker of Business Insider heard from 7 business owners selling women’s jewelry and dog products that they have lost massive revenue due to these faulty glitches.