Facebook Provides Tips on Utilizing Video Playlists and Series Collections


Facebook has been sharing through the past two months every week a series of insights around its different tools by interviews with staff from Facebook. This has made some valuable and new perspectives about the reason why they have added these functions and what it would serve.

Thus far, Facebook has shared interviews looking at:

So far, Facebook has shared interviews about Optimizing Facebook Live broadcasts, Creator Studio app, Live Producer, Video insights in Creator Studio, and Using music in uploaded videos.

The last video in the series that was released this week was about video series and playlists, and how these options may help video creators increase the viewership and exposure in various ways.

The video is about the difference between Series and Playlist options, and the reason behind the creation of each one.

“Facebook Watch is a video destination and as Facebook Watch continues to grow, we actually really wanted to focus on making publishing videos on Facebook way more flexible than it ever has been before, and with that, we wanted to create powerful new ways to publish, organize and drive discovery around your content. Playlists and Series is a way to do that, and a content format type to enable three things – organizing videos, driving discovery, and publishing content.”

Facebook also offers extra explanations as to the aim of every option. According to Facebook, a Playlist is a video collection that has one particular topic or theme, not a set of episodes such as series. On the other hand, Series is a sequence of videos collected from a program. Series also makes users combine trailers and add seasons that viewers can watch in order.

Facebook stated that the difference between them is that if the video content is set as episodes, so it’s a series. However, if you are doing video content with the same theme that doesn’t fit into a series format it’s a Playlist.

What are the benefit of these options?

Besides helping views by guiding them through your series’, Facebook stated that putting your content in groups may maximize engagement and keep people search for more of your content.

Moreover, Facebook stated that when you put your content in order by topics and themes, you will maximize the chances of being found in search results.

“When people are actually searching for your playlists and series, videos that are in those playlists and series will actually appear more highly in search results.”


Also, each Playlists and Series have a unique URL that will help you lead more viewers to your collections by driving your audience to your videos.

You can build Series and Playlists in Creator Studio, with particular options in the Content Library tools.

Facebook video playlist creation in Creator Studio