Spectacular New Facebook Messenger Goes Live And Successfully Beats WhatsApp

WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger
WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger

An awkward situation has occurred. WhatsApp has always been proud of its flawless security and strict privacy measures offered to the users of this app. Yet, in a strange turn of events, Facebook Messenger has surpassed the security offered by WhatsApp. Since Facebook Messenger is providing the best security service, WhatsApp is at risk of losing their two billion users across the entire world. Both the social media platforms have introduced new upgrades of security which have striking similarities but there are other issues. The new updates on Messenger seem to be absolutely innovative as well as completely secure which has left WhatsApp looking stale and snoopy as they agree to monitor the content of the users.

Facebook Messenger vs WhatsApp

At the beginning of November, WhatsApp had announced that they will introduce the feature of disappearing messages. Users would be able to set a 1:1 or the group admin will have the control to delete the messages after a period of seven days. These new measures were introduced as an upgraded privacy and security measure. However, these measures do not meet the expectations and enhancements made by other apps. The ephemeral messaging feature is nothing new as well. Users are now getting a sense that WhatsApp is actually not as safe as they vouch to be. This has made users wary of the use of WhatsApp and people have already started looking for an alternative.  

WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger
WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger

The end-to-end encrypted texts last longer on WhatsApp. Facebook Messenger offers the expiration slider for 24 hours, just as another app, Slider. WhatsApp usually stores them for seven days. The 7-day timer for the expiration of messages may be sensible but completely flouts the privacy and security protection for the users.

Once again, Facebook Messenger has surpassed WhatsApp in a new feature. Messenger has launched a vanish mode that will allow users to send texts which will automatically disappear after it has been seen by the user it is sent to and once the user leaves the chat handle.

This new mode of vanish is being gradually implemented globally and will soon be launched on Instagram.

It is not advisable for WhatsApp to clone this vanish feature, however, they can introduce a toggle for more temporary chats, as all users of social media platforms require to experience a need for a more private kind of exchange in a group chat handle. Also, messages which are highly confidential must be strictly protected. Messenger is providing a way to share messages in a protected way through the vanishing feature. On the other hand, users need to make necessary changes in the settings of WhatsApp for such protective measures.