FFWR Payments Of $600- Who Will Be Receiving It?

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Due to the Food and Farm Worker Relief Grant Program (FFWR) of the United States Department of Agriculture, certain workers would be receiving a payment of $600. USDA has awarded a sum of $667 million in grants to around 14 nonprofit organizations and a single tribal entity.

The funds are coming from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. The program’s purpose is to defray the workers’ costs that were incurred in preventing exposure to, preparing for, and responding to the pandemic. The relief amount of $600 has been awarded to the different states through 14 different non-profit organizations. The organizations have already started receiving multiple applications.

FFWR Payments Have Been Initiated In Several States Around The Country 

The people who have been deemed eligible for the FFWR payments of $600 are frontline meatpacking, agricultural, and grocery store workers during the period from 27th January 2020 to 11th April 2023- the date of the end of the coronavirus emergency declaration in the United States. Workers have to provide sufficient proof of employment at a food processing, farm, or meatpacking facility. Workers would also have to provide sufficient identity proof to apply for the funds, and proof that they worked during the Covid-19 pandemic. When approved, the workers who would be eligible will receive a payment of $600. 

There are a few non-profit organizations that would make the FFWR payments accessible to the public. For people living in the states of Alabama, Arizona, Kansas, and Missouri, one should contact the Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Inc. For workers in the states of California, Florida, and Iowa, one has to link with Catholic Charities USA. In New Mexico and Texas, one should contact the Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc.