GM EVP Has Sold 6000 Shares Of The Company


The EVP of GM, Randall D. Mott has gone ahead and sold around 6000 shares of GM in a 9th June transaction. The average price at which these stocks were sold is $64.01, with the total transaction coming to a sum of $384,060. The EVP currently has ownership of about 122,113 shares of the company stocks with a total valuation coming to around $7 million. 

The Quarterly Reports Of GM

The stocks of GM traded on Friday at $0.15. The moving average price of the company over a period of 50 days is $58.53. The year low of the company is $23.33, with the year high coming to $64.30. The market cap of the firm is $89.20 billion, with a 9.95 PE ratio, along with a 1.19 PEG ratio. The current ratio of the company is 1.08, with a 0.92 quick ratio. The debt-to-equity ratio of the company has been set at 1.40. 

GM previously updated their quarterly reports on the 5th of May. The EPS reported by the company during this period was $2.25, with the consensus estimate coming to $0.97. The return on equity for the period is 19.59%, with the net margin coming to 7.49%. The revenue generated by the company during this period was $32.47 billion, which was less than the consensus estimate of $33.15 billion. 

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of GM. Deutsche Bank has already increased the price target of the company from $67 to $70 with a rating of buy in a 6th May research report. Argus has also increased the price target of the company from $62 to $66 with a rating of buy in an 18th May research report. Zacks Investment has also reduced the rating of the company from hold to strong sell with a price target of $51 on the company.