Has The Stimulus Check Been Halted By President Trump?

stimulus check

Is the second stimulus check coming to the American citizens anytime soon? While the country and the US economy is reeling under the coronavirus effects, the lawmakers in Washington do not seem to be able to come to an agreement. 

On top of that, right after leaving the military hospital, where Trump was shifted after he tested positive for coronavirus, the President sent our ambiguous tweets related to the second stimulus package. 

Trump’s first tweet on Tuesday said that he is looking out for the American people and that he has told his representative to resume stimulus package talks only after he wins the election. He added that the second stimulus package, which his administration will pass during his second term, will focus on independent businesses and hard-working citizens. 

The second tweet came a little later. Trump tweeted and called out Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying that if the second stimulus package proposal is a stand-alone stimulus check of $1200, he is ready to sign it. 

Trump Tweets Unclear Statements Related To The Second Stimulus Check

On Saturday, Trump tweeted saying that he is ready to support a new stimulus package. Many are seeing this as urgency on Trump’s part after he was diagnosed with the coronavirus. As per reports, Trump is on steroid dexamethasone. 

Trump’s tweet about a possible delay on second stimulus checks will greatly affect independent businesses, airlines, and many more. Just hours before the president’s tweets, Jerome Powell from the Federal Reserve states the immediate necessity of fiscal stimulus to revive the US economy. 

Time is quickly running out for the lawmakers to pass the second stimulus check as the Senate is scheduled to go into recess soon. Speaker Pelosi, earlier in the week, promised that the Democrats will pass a stimulus package even if they had to do it without the Republican party. 

Trump Says He Supports Direct Payment Stimulus Package

What concerns many is the fact that a delay in the stimulus package negotiations would mean that everyone will have to wait till after the November elections for the second round of stimulus check. Experts say the US economy will degrade the longer lawmakers wait. 

From what we can understand, it seems like Trump is willing to pass a stimulus package that includes direct payments of $1200 stimulus checks to eligible Americans. If if the lawmakers pass such a stimulus package, there will still be thousands of business industries that will be left out. 

On Tuesday, Speaker Pelosi criticized President Trump and said that he is unwilling to help the American citizens unless he gets credit for approving the stimulus checks. 

Federal Reserve agent Powell also said that the US economy is far from recovering. He also emphasized on the need for an immediate stimulus package.