How Big Is The Latest PS5 Console From Sony?

PS5 console

Sony’s latest PS5 console might be the biggest console in gaming history! The hardware of Sony PS5 appeared at NCC, Taiwan, giving us a closer look at the gaming console. The National Communications Commission published multiple images that were close ups of not just the PS5 console but also the cables, base, and the controller.

The PS5 console was laid horizontally with the removable base, which also supports it vertically. It is not an exaggeration when we say Sony’s PS5 console is the biggest in modern history. Sony PS3 was quite large as was the Xbox One which was shaped like a VCR. The dimensions of the PlayStation 5 were released during the official release event. But that excluded the base measurements.

PS5 console
How Big Is The Latest PS5 Console From Sony? 3

With the NCC releasing further details about the size of the Sony PS5 console, gamers are more than excited. It might be a challenge to fit this console in most entertainment centers. This is a problem PS5’s competitor Xbox Series X is also facing. It seems both Sony and Microsoft developed their gaming consoles to stand vertically. The sides will have an unwieldy look.

NCC Taiwan’s images do not offer such a close look to understand how one can access the NVMe slot on Sony’s PS5 console. If you own a PS5, Sony will let you expand the storage on your console. Further details about this are yet to come. Sony has hinted that the PS5 console hardware might be customizable. This will be unique to this console and unlike the modifications that were found in previous generations. One probability is that one side panel of the console will be detachable.

sony PS5 console
How Big Is The Latest PS5 Console From Sony? 4

The PS5 console will be launched in the United States of America on 12 November 2020. The price of PS5 is $499.99 and the disc-less Digital Edition will cost you $399.99. The new PS5 games can cost up to $69.99.

Are you excited about this new gaming console from Sony? Microsoft and Sony are fighting it out to capture the market just during the holiday season. With many of us cooped up at home, a gaming console is just what many are looking forward to. Christmas will be pretty special with Microsoft’s new additions and Sony’s PS5 console, it seems!