How To Qualify For The California Stimulus Checks?

stimulus checks
Stimulus Checks

The Golden State Stimulus checks have been expanded so that more California residents can qualify for the same. Currently, there are 2 separate stimulus checks up your way. You may either qualify for one or both of these programs. If you are a lucky Californian and manage to qualify for the payments, all you need to do is to file your taxes on time.

The Golden State Stimulus II

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 139 on July 12, 2021. This authorized the GSSII. The Golden State Stimulus II was nothing but an expansion of the GSS, which was formulated to assist the low and middle-income families residing in California. Even individuals who were facing hardships due to COVID-19 were eligible. You might receive the Golden State Stimulus II stimulus checks if you earn less than $75,000 and file your 2020 taxes. This payment was way different than the Golden State Stimulus I.

If you qualify, you only need to file your 2020 tax return to receive the Golden State Stimulus II payment.​​

The Golden State Stimulus I

Gov. Newsom signed a legislative relief package on Feb. 23, 2021, that authorized the Golden State Stimulus I to aid the households in California that had faced a disproportionate economic burden due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including those with incomes below $30,000, as well as those who did not receive federal stimulus relief. 

The program provided $600 in one-time payments to the households that received the California Earned Income Tax Credit for 2020. The GSS also provided $600 one-time payments to the taxpayers who failed to receive federal reliefs by filing with ITINs. The Golden State Stimulus I stimulus checks are available to the residents with ITINs and earnings below $75,000 and ITIN taxpayers with earnings below $30,000. They also qualify for the California Earned Income Tax Credit and would receive a total of $1,200. The payments will be distributed to the residents right after they file their 2020 taxes. This payment is not similar to the Golden State Stimulus II.

If you qualify, all you have to do to receive the Golden State Stimulus I payment is to​ file your 2020 California State tax return!​

How To Check If You Have Qualified For The Golden State Stimulus Checks

In order to qualify for the GSS II stimulus checks, you need to have filed your 2020 taxes. That is mandatory. You also need to show an AGI (California) of $75,000 or less and/or have wages less than $75,000. You also need to be a resident of California for more than half of the previous tax year and also on the date the payment is being issued. Keeping all these aside, you should not be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer.

In order to qualify for the GSS I stimulus checks you must file your 2020 taxes. You need to be either a California Earned Income Tax Credit recipient or an ITIN filer who made $75,000 or less (total California Adjusted Gross Income)​. You also need to be a resident of the state when the payment is being issued. You need to be 18 years or older as of the last date of the tax year and not be eligible to be claimed as a dependent.

You can keep yourself up-to-date about the Golden State Stimulus I and II by keeping an eye on the Franchise Tax Board’s Golden State Stimulus Webpage.

Check If You Have Qualified For The CalEITC

You can qualify for the CalEITC stimulus checks if you are 18 years or older or have a qualifying child as a dependent. You also need to show proof that you have earned income with specified limits. The amount of CalEITC that you will receive depends on the size of your family and your income.

You need to have a taxable earned income and a valid social security number/individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) for yourself or your spouse. If you are married, you must not use “married/RDP filing separate”. You should also be a resident in the state for more than half of the year.

The earned income in the previous statement can be from W-2 wages, self-employment ways, salaries or tips, and other employee wages subject to California withholding.

Free Tax Preparation Services

Whether required to file taxes or not, Californians must file their tax returns to qualify for CalEITC. To help you keep every cent of your cashback CalEITC, local community-based organizations are here to help with no-cost IRS-certified tax preparation services. Search for the no-cost tax preparation site near you by visiting the​ Franchise Tax Board’s Free Tax Help ​Webpage.​