NYSE:DFS Has its Price Target Increased to $68 by Morgan Stanley


NYSE:DFS has its target price increased by investment analysts working for Morgan Stanley from a price of $63 to $68 in one of the research reports that have been sent to investors and clients according to a report from Benzinga. The brokerage has already given it a rating of ‘overweight’- in context with the stock of this financial service provider. The price objective set by Morgan Stanley is indicative of a potential upside of around 12.21% from what the current price is. 

The Research Reports of NYSE:DFS

There have been several research reports published by brokerages that have given their opinion on NYSE:DFS. Wolfe Research has been covering the shares of the company for quite some time, which has resulted in them giving a rating of ‘outperform’ for this company in a research report that was given on the 31st of July. BMO Capital Markets has also increased the target price on the shares of this company from $70 to $71 while giving the stocks a rating of ‘outperform’. JMP Securities also increased the price target on the shares of this firm from $48 to $58 while giving the stocks a rating of ‘market outperform’ in one of the research reports that was published on the 24th of July. Wells Fargo & Company has also reiterated their previous rating in their research report that was issued on the 9th of October. Stephens, too, joined in the fray with an increase in the target price of the shares of this firm from $42 to $62 while giving the rating of ‘equal weight’ in a 24th July research report. Two of the research analysts have already given the stocks a rating of ‘sell’, while seven of them have already given a rating of ‘hold’. Around eleven of them have given a rating for buy. Currently, the consensus rating of NYSE:DFS is Hold, while the target price on an average is $63.59. 

The Quarterly Earnings of NYSE:DFS

The stocks of this company opened quite strongly at around $60.60 last Thursday. The market cap for the stock is around $18.57 billion, with a PE ratio of around 19.18, and a beta that is nearing 1.81. The debt-to-equity ratio for this company is around 2.70, while the quick ratio is 1.18 along with the current ratio. The 1 year low of NYSE:DFS is $23.25, while the 1 year high is $87.43. The moving average for 50-day is $58.97, while the 200-day moving average is around $49.84. 

NYSE:DFS had previously issued its data on quarterly earnings on the 21st of October. The provider of financial services had then reported an EPS of $2.45, which comfortably beat out the consensus estimate of around $1.63 as set by the analysts. The revenue of the company during this time was $2.71 billion, with a net margin of around 7.65% and a 10.45% return on equity.