James Bond’s Upcoming Film Would be Delayed For an Entire Year

James Bond

James Bond’s 25th film- No Time To Die has been postponed an entire year. The producers of this film confirmed that the movie would be out on the 2nd of April, 2021. The film was supposed to hit screens in April this year, but it kept getting postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This new delay will allow most citizens to recuperate from this terrible ordeal, while finding the strength within themselves to actually go out once again. 

Which Other Movies Are Getting Delayed Along With James Bond?

Several big franchise movies are getting postponed along with James Bond. Black Widow, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and several other movies have been slated for the next year. This list also includes The Batman, the lead of which contracted coronavirus earlier this year. All these movies have been, quite unsurprisingly, pushed back into next year. 

Good news for DC fans, for Wonder Woman 1984 is still going strong for Christmas 2020. This sweet news is tinged with a bit of sadness, for this is going to be the only big-budget movie released this year. Soul, Pixar’s collaboration with Disney is kept for November, with Dune- Denis Villeneuve’s production has been kept for December. But it wouldn’t really be shocking if these movies too got slated for next year. 

Why is James Bond’s No Time To Die Getting Shifted?

As of now, James Bond’s movie No Time To Die will be released next year, dashing all hopes of fans who would probably brave the virus to watch their favorite sleuth in action. This movie will mark the last appearance of Daniel Craig as the secret service agent, James Bond. Ironically, the trailer and the main OST for the movie is already out in the open, but now fans will have to wait for another whole year before they can watch this movie. Several high-profile members of the industry are wondering if such a step was taken seeing the lacklustre performance of Tenet, the Christopher Nolan blockbuster. The epic sci-fi which had a budget of 200 million could only record $243 million overall. The revenue from the USA was particularly bad. 

Similarly, James Bond, which finds its most ardent fans from the United Kingdom might also get hit considering the UK has faced the brunt of the pandemic. It is not doubtable that restrictions in cinemas and theatres would definitely hit the box-office of this mega-movie, so it would probably be better if the movie was released after the storm had passed. To put box-office earnings in context, Spectre, the last James Bond film earned close to $900 million- it wouldn’t do justice to Daniel Craig if his legacy involved a movie that was barely seen by people all over the world.